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The 15th Hyundai-Kia International Powertrain Conference, Rolling Hills, Kyungghi-Do, South Korea, Oct. 27-28, 2015.


Yoon Seok Jung*

“Issues and Perspectives for Bulk-Type All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries Using Sulfide Solie-Electrolytes For Electric Vehicles”

ENFL 289, Spring 2015 ACS Meeting, Denver, CO, Mar. 20-26, 2015. (Mar. 24th) (poster)
Dae Yang Oh, Young Jin Nam, Kern Ho Park, Yoon Seok Jung* “Facile synthesis of exfoliated TiS2 for all-solid-state lithium batteries”
ENFL 405, Spring 2015 ACS Meeting, Denver, CO, Mar. 20-26, 2015. (Mar. 25th) Invited
Yoon Seok Jung* “High energy bulk-type all-solid-state lithium batteries using sulfide solid electrolytes”