Yoon Seok Jung's Lab - Electrochemical Energy Storage Lab

Solid Electrolytes

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    Solid Electrolytes

  • Design of new Li+ or Na+ superionic conductors
    높은 이온전도도 리튬 및 소듐계 신규 고체전해질
  • Development of solid electrolyte towards better air stability
    황화물계 고체전해질의 대기 안정성 확보
  • Development of new synthetic protocols for solid electrolytes such as solution process
    전해질 신규 합성법 연구
  • Higher ionic conductivity
    1 ACS Energy Lett. 2018, 3, 2504
  • Higher ionic conductivity
    1 J. Power Sources 2020, 446, 227338
  • Our group develops new inorganic lithium/sodium-ion conducting solid electrolytes (SEs) for all-solid-state batteries (ASBs). Low ionic conductivity of 

    SEs is a bottleneck for commercialization of ASBs. Aliovalent substitution offers increased ionic conductivity by diverse factors, such as creating 

    lithium/sodium vacancy and expansion of lithium/sodium conducting channels. Limited chemical stability is a critical shortcoming of sulfide SEs. When

    sulfide SEs are decomposed upon exposure to humid air, H2S gases are evolved. Our group has been developing new air-stable SEs and surface 

    modification of SEs.

  • Synthesis protocol
    1 Adv. Energy Mater.  2018, 8, 1800035
  • 1 J. Mater. Chem. A  2018, 6, 840
  • For the preparation of sulfide SEs, conventional synthesis protocols for ceramic materials, such as high-temperature solid-state reaction, have been 

    widely used. Recently, alternative protocols using liquid solvents have been in the spotlight due to potential advantages, such as mass production,

    modification of size and morphology of SEs, and possibility to obtain new metastable materials.